Thursday, November 7, 2013


As I write this I am telling one twin to get off the table and explaining to my 6 year old that he cannot have any Hallowe'en treats until after lunch while also getting after my 14 year old to just get dressed already so I can take him to drama class once we finish eating. The other twin is sitting on the floor shredding flyers, but you know what? He's quiet so I'm just going to let that go.

yes dear I understand you're hungry, you have to have lunch first, I have already answered this question and I said no. End of discussion.

There is a mom who is a home schooler and she attends the same swimming lessons (a program for us home ed types that is discounted and awesome). She has a few kids and is currently pregnant with another. Her hair is done nicely, she is always dressed smartly and her kids are very well behaved. She is rocking a bikini with her adorable baby bump.

I am so not this mother.

Pretty sure that's the shirt you wore to bed last night, when I said get dressed I meant change all of your clothes. Underwear too. And those socks have gaping holes in them, throw them out.

I'm the mother who is only wearing jeans because it's not acceptable to wear your pj pants everywhere and my "good" yoga pants had to be tossed out after getting a hole in them. I'm the mother who keeps her hair short because it's just easier to deal with. I'm the mother who got on her bathing suit and realized she has forgotten to shave her legs. Again.

Dude, chips are treats too. I said after lunch. Stop it.

My house is a disaster. My furniture looks like it has been through a war. I haven't had a good night's sleep in years. My weight fluctuates month to month and I am in desperate need of a haircut. Just last night I said to my husband "We should have an open house party over Christmas since you're going to be off for a few days" and he answered "Where? Here? Are you crazy?"

yeah I know the twins are on the table, but I'm right here with them and they are happily colouring. It's ok. No really, it's ok. DO NOT TOUCH THEM SO HELP ME IF YOU MAKE THEM CRY I WILL LOSE IT.

I never thought I'd be the type of parent to make all the meals from scratch. I think about it from time to time, how nice it would be if all our meals were homemade. Then I look at the reality of my life and pop more toaster waffles in and call the kids for breakfast. Or more realistically, I get my eldest to pop in those waffles while I drink coffee until the world comes into focus. I figure that my husband, who can magically make an awesome meal come out of our kitchen after I've tossed up my hands and said "we've got nothing!", makes up for the meal thing. And I occasionally bake bread. Never mind that by "occasionally" I mean once or twice a year. Maybe.

hey! Do not throw the pencils! DO NOT THROW THE PENCILS! Ugh, ok drawing time over

But as much as I admire those other moms who seem to have it all together, I love the chaos of our life. As much as I want sleep, I wouldn't trade my late night snuggle sessions and babbling whispers with my toddlers for anything. Yes, they fuss and fight and argue with one another, but they support, love and help one another more often than they fight. Yes I get frustrated, but only because I know they are capable of so much and it is hard to see them not living up to their best.

I'm glad you liked the fries, but you really need to stop talking and go brush your teeth or you're going to be late. Kids! Shoes and coats on, we gotta go!

It is chaos. But it's OUR chaos.



I love you too.

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